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Friday, December 23, 2011

The Realization...Part 2

So, we came to the realization on a Saturday night in late August (2011) that our moving to Swaziland was where we were being led...urgently!  However, those that don't know me can't fully appreciated what a leap this was for me.  Let me give you an example...about 9 years ago we found a much nicer house in a much nicer neighborhood in a cul-de-sac for a great deal and decided to move.  To add to its allure, it was only 5 miles from our then current house.  Yet, I backed out on the deal twice because I was so resistant to the change that would incur.  I would have to find a new grocery store, new schools for the kids (though better), new post office.  Honestly, everything about the move was better.  It just seemed like way too much change!  In the end, I agreed to move and I'm ever so thankful I did.

However, the thought of moving 8000 miles away to Swaziland, with complete change in every arena possible, filled me with no such dread.  I was truly filled with God's peace.  The peace that passes all understanding.  I was actually excited with anticipation.  But, we didn't know what, how, when......

Interestingly Ian and Janine Maxwell, the founders of  Heart for Africa were in our small group on Monday nights.  Mark scheduled a meeting with Ian for the following Tuesday and told him we were interested in moving to Swaziland to work with Heart for Africa.  After picking him up off the floor...he asked Mark if he would be interested in teaching carpentry to orphan boys.  Well, carpentry just happens to be a passion of Mark's.  He was thrilled!  By Wednesday, 5 days after "the realization", we had a place to live, a school for Bailey (our 10th grader), and work for Mark.  The girls and I would be helping in the El Roi Baby's Home!  WOW!  That's all we could think!  We moved forward with what we knew to do, and God supplied everything we needed!  But the story doesn't end there....

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