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Thursday, May 17, 2012

14 Days and Counting....

Well we are finally down to the two week window.  We load the rest of our belongings in 12 days, then Mark and Bailey leave in 14 days!  Austin, Cameron and I will fly out to Fayetteville, AR, 2 days after Mark and Bailey leave for Africa.  In Fayetteville we will be attending orientation at the University of Arkansas where Austin will be attending in the fall.  After orientation, Cameron and I will fly straight on to Africa leaving Austin in Atlanta until he visits Swaziland in July.

It's incredible to believe we are really so close!  I don't think I've fully wrapped my brain around the move, but I know that I have incredible peace.  We have been absolutely amazed at God's provisions for us in this last month.  God has provided great things for us in the past, but we have experienced truly miraculous provisions that defy any other explanation.  We have bought a car for Austin, sold 4 houses, and have finally found health care for us and Austin!  Thank you for the many prayers that are being offered up on our behalf.  They are truly invaluable to us!

We have had wonderful friends come along side us to host birthday/send off parties for each of the girls and our family as a whole (thank you Heitmeiers, Lasts and Reeds!)  It is such a blessing to see our children just glowing in the celebration and love of their incredible friends! We are definately "leaving well"! 

We have been approved by our church as "missionaries" and will be commisioned this Sunday by our church and will have a "commisioning/send off" for our family.  I think I'll bring TWO boxes of Kleenex.  This is such an incredible time of new beginnings for our family...a dramatic change in our family purpose,  moving to a new continent, Austin starting college, and Cameron starting middle school.  Wow!  We serve a really BIG God!