Much has happened since my last post both in Africa and back in the States, but I wanted to share this story with you. I'm sure I won't do this story justice, but would like to share a little bit of Mark's journey back to help Austin move into the University of Arkansas...
I started to write out this story in paragraph form, but there is no way for it not to be 10 pages long so I condensed it to bullet points:
* Friday, 8/10, attempt to leave Joberg with 47 other "stand by" riders, some of them having been there since the previous Monday. Only 1 got on the flight. Mark's luggage however, made it on the plane!
* Saturday, 8/11, attempt to leave Joberg again with 40+ "stand by" riders, no go - attempt to purchase ticket through Qatar as other airlines are over-booked. All credit cards Mark had on him were blocked due to potential "fraudulent" activity. Due to phone issues can't get block lifted or call me for other credit cards. Stranger hands Mark $1000 USD in cash for tickets, run to gate to purchase, flight had closed 5 minutes prior. Mark returns $ to kind stranger. Has to find cheap lodging - can only pay in cash he had in his pocket(South African Rand).
* Sunday, 8/12, try to use different credit card account to purchase plane tickets through London. Discover ALL credit cards are blocked. A different stranger offers to put tickets on her credit card, Mark writes her a check. They go visit the Apparteid Museum in Joberg while waiting for flight later in the day. Sunday night they finally leave Joberg!
* Arrive in London on the day after the closing ceremonies of the Olympics, take a train into the city, tour Westminister Abbey, see Buckingham Palace, the ferris wheel. Stop at a cafe and only get a couple of drinks since they are low on cash. Run into missionaries who buy them lunch.
* Monday, 8/13, arrive in New York City around 7pm, last flight to Atlanta leaves at 8:00pm but couldn't make it through Customs in time b/c Austin's luggage is lost in Joberg. Have to find cheap lodging once again - since have little American $!
* Tuesday, 8/14, finally get on a flight to ATL - and get bumped up to first class! Finally make it to Alpharetta (Mark in the same clothes he left in on Friday) and notice a large black puddle under Austin's car. Take it to the mechanic. Problem with the brake line. Mechanic is amazed that the car had ANY breaking ability at all. Not an expensive problem, but because the car is from Canada parts have to come directly from Japan, 8-10 days earliest. Can't take car to Arkansas. Rental car will cost $1200, Rusty and Rebecca Reed offer to let Mark take their van.
* Wednesday night drive all night to get to Arkansas at 8am Thursday morning. Check Austin in, move his things into his dorm.
* Friday meet up with Mark's parents who have driven over from Kansas City
* Saturday afternoon Mark leaves Arkansas to drive all night getting into Atlanta at 3am. Sunday morning.
* Tuesday night Mark leaves Atlanta for Joberg - gets an upgrade to business class again!
* Wednesday night arrive Joberg can't make it to the border before closing, have to stay for the night - but this time has an unblocked credit card to pay for lodging.
* Thursday afternoon arrives Swaziland, then home around 1pm. Feels like Christmas morning. Mark is finally home safely and has brought Cheezits, tea, curtains, socks, ChapStick and more movies!
I am incredibly thankful that I didn't have to go on this crazy, awful adventure. But, I really learned a whole new level of dependence on God. For most of these days I had little to no communication with Mark, not having a clue how they were making out. So, my only choice was to pray and trust God for their provision and protection. Yes, there were many things that did go wrong, but I can't help but be thankful for the adventure Mark and Austin got to take through London. Just father - son time, before heading off to college.
Indeed God was with them. That is the only way I can explain strangers handing over thousands of dollars, free meals and no automobile accidents. No, the trip didn't go as planned, but that was just an opportunity to trust God and keep our eyes open for His provision.