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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Train Up a Child...

As I sit and reflect on our last month (6 weeks for Mark and Bailey) it really is starting to feel like home.  I'm already driving, and I only mistake my windshield wipers for my blinker about once a day!  I know how to operate our pay-as-you go power.  I can almost figure out how to call someone.  You dial something different if it is a land-line versus a cell phone.  I pretty much know my Swazi money.  And, we even found a place to get our hair cut.  Women, you know what I mean!  But as I reflect on all the tangible ways we've changed and grown, I'm reminded of the intangible growth as well.

Cameron holding Miriam, our newest addition
coming to us at 11 months and 14 lbs, never
having seen a white person and not feeling too safe!
The most inspiring growth to me has been in the hearts of Bailey and Cameron.  My girls have always had big hearts when it comes to service; yet placed in an environment of constant need, they have amazed me with their joy and desire to serve others.  My girls wake up while it is still dark to meet the van to go out to the rural churches where they plant gardens, play with the young children, and fit as many children for TOMS as possible.  They are eager to go up to the babies' home and connect with "their" babies.  Bailey is even involved in an Experiencing God Bible study with the interns and me.  If any of you follow me on Facebook you know that Bailey has been asked to be the official Project Canaan "Cake Baker".  Bailey has been amazed that God would use something so seemingly insignificant, that she absolutely loves, to bless the sweet babies on their birthdays.  Many times Mark will have to make another trip out to the farm to work at the "workshop" (he is building double-decker baby cribs), and one of the girls will ask to tag along, either to help him or go visit the babies.  Yes, they are both actively pursuing service to others whether that is with the babies, the rural communities, the various projects on Project Canaan, or Mark or I, and they have done everything without complaint.

Emmanuel's 1st Birthday!
I am so proud of them.  I know God is directing their steps and their hearts. 

Posting Directional Signs on Canaan

Thankful for my darling daughters this cold Swazi morning!